Nautical Swing

Galvanized steel, painted steel, stainless steel
16’ x 20’ x 20’
Location: Coleman Bluff Overlook, Hunters Point Shipyard, San Francisco
Commissioned by: Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure
Selected for the Americans for the Arts Public Art Network 2016 Year in Review
Nautical Swing riffs on the architecture of the site’s former Navy base. The artwork provides a place where up to a dozen people can relax, converse, and enjoy the spectacular view of San Francisco, Oakland, and the San Francisco Bay while gently swaying on a circular bench —a park-bench/porch-swing hybrid. The perforated steel canopy with its large oculus isolates a radiant view of the skies above.
VIDEO [click play button] ↑
LINK TO LOCATION (navigate on map to find red map maker) - Hunters Point Shipyard, 11 Innes Court, San Francisco, CA 94124